
I think my favorite bird is the female cardinal. What is your favorite?

Female Cardinal

Female Cardinal

Female Cardinal in Tree

Female Cardinal in Tree

Here are some male Cardinals:

Cardinal with Sunflower Seed

He has a broken sunflower seed in his mouth (or should I say beak?).

Cardinal in Tree

Cardinal in Tree


Looks like he found another seed shell…or something…



Male and female Cardinals taking a stroll…

Two Cardinals

Two Cardinals

Cardinal and White Throated Sparrow having a talk. Who wants to caption it?

Cardinal and White Throated Sparrow

Caption this!


Cardinal in Tree

And, a female Cardinal getting a worm!

Time to eat!

Time to eat!

Two cardinals

Catch ya’ later!

More Birds And Some Squirrels…

birdsSaw this bird in the yard and I’ve never seen one like it before. It looks like some kind of dove, but I can’t figure it out! If anyone knows what this is, I’d love to know.

Unknown (Dove?)

Unknown (Dove?)

White throated sparrow:

White Throated Sparrow

Looks like he has a seed in his mouth.

White Throated Sparrow

A squirrel taking a peek inside…

Where is everybody?

What’s going on in there?

Squirrel in window

Well, hello!

And another either saying grace, plotting and scheming, or eating. Ha!


Dark Eyed Junco:

Dark Eyed Junco

Dark Eyed Junco

Bye for now!

Backyard Buddies

These pictures were taken throughout the spring and summer. There sure is a lot of wildlife in this backyard!

An Indigo Bunting. I love the bright blue feathers.

He wants those seeds in the feeders...

He wants those seeds in the feeders…notice the robin on the ground to the left 🙂



We’ve seen rabbits, butterflies, several types of birds…



Pretty butterfly!

Pretty butterfly!


Hungry butterfly...

Hungry butterfly…


A woodpecker and another bird sitting on the birdbath.

A woodpecker and another bird sitting on the birdbath.

Ahhhh....the woodpecker finds relief from the heat.

Ahhhh….the woodpecker finds relief from the heat.

Blue Jay

Blue Jay


Is this a baby cardinal?

Anyone know what kind of bird this is???

Anyone know what kind of bird this is???

And more birds…

White Throated Sparrow

White Throated Sparrow

White Throated Sparrow

White Throated Sparrow

White Throated Sparrow

White Throated Sparrow

Is this a Dark-Eyed Junco?

Is this a Dark-Eyed Junco?

Dark-Eyed Junco?

There is a sunflower seed right behind him…did he eventually find it?

Dark-Eyed Junco?

Whew! This is a long post, but I have so many pictures I want to put on here!

So, yes, birds, spiders, tomoato pests, squirrels, and raccoons. Did I get them all? 🙂

Carolina Wren

Carolina Wren




Some kind of baby bird.

Some kind of baby bird.

I think this is a robin...

I think this is a robin…





Black and Yellow Garden Spider...right outside my window!

Black and Yellow Garden Spider…right outside my window!

I don't know what kind of bird this is. If you know, please post a reply!

I don’t know what kind of bird this is. If you know, please post a reply!

Squirrels evidently love birdseed, too!

Squirrels evidently love birdseed, too!

I think he knew I was there...

I think he knew I was there…hee…

Blue Jay

Blue Jay

Blue Jay



This fella got to my tomatoes!

This fella got to my tomatoes!

He blends in well, doesn't he?

He blends in well, doesn’t he?

Tomato hornworms...ugh!

Tomato hornworms…ugh!

This raccoon (whom I've named "Murphy") loves him some bird seed :)

This raccoon (whom I’ve named “Murphy”) loves him some bird seed 🙂 After I discovered he was the reason for all the birdseed being gone in the mornings, I now remove the window feeders every night and just put them back up in the morning.

Another cardinal?

Another cardinal?

Oops! I forgot the turtles!

This guy hung around in the backyard for a few days.

This guy hung around in the backyard for a bit.

I put some water in a paper plate out for him. He didn't drink it, though.

I put some water in a paper plate out for him. He didn’t drink it, though.



I think I got his good side.

I think I got his good side.

Well, that’s it for now. It sure would be nice if it would snow and I could take some pictures of cardinals in the snow or something cool like that. We’ll see, I guess!



Wings are going so fast, they are a blur!

Back during the summer, I put up some hummingbird feeders in hopes of seeing some of the pretty little birds. Not only did I have some little visitors, I was actually patient enough to be able to snap some pics!



Those little wings are going!!!


I like the way these paticular feeders look, but next year I’m going to use ones that have perches on them so the hummingbirds don’t have to work so hard.

In addition to pre-made food you can buy, I also used home-made food – found the recipe in National Geographic’s Guide to the Backyard Birds of North America: One part white granulated sugar to four parts water. Boil the water, then add the sugar and stir. Don’t use food coloring or artificial sweetener.

Can’t wait to see the hummingbirds next year!

Backyard Birds

Tufted Titmouse

Tufted Titmouse

I have a couple of window bird feeders and also throw seed into the yard. The birds I see the most on the feeders are Carolina Chickadees and Tufted Titmice (I think…any birders out there- please feel free to correct me!). Lately, I’ve seen what I think are Dark-Eyed Junco in the yard. I’ve actually had a woodpecker come to the feeder two or three times, but didn’t have my camera handy. I love watching the birds!


Carolina Chickadee

Carolina Chickadee

Dark-Eyed Junco

Dark-Eyed Junco

Tufted Titmouse

Tufted Titmouse

Carolina Chickadee

Carolina Chickadee

The birds have an interested audience...

The birds have an interested audience…