
Hello! My name is Ally and I live in the Southeastern United States. I mostly post about knitting and recipes, but I just added a travel section to highlight various places worthy of a visit. I have found lots of gems, so will be highlighting those. Perhaps one of the gems I highlight is near you! Please feel free to browse around. I’m glad you’re here! 

I’ve traveled to a ridiculous amount of other countries and lived and worked overseas (and sometimes in harsh environments). I love to travel, but after so many years of it, I found myself wanting to escape to home 🙂 I wanted to discover what I could do in and around my home and also find places of interest in local communities. Once back in the US for good, I took up knitting. I’m now addicted. I can’t seem to get enough of it.

Though I did do some traveling last year and will again this year, I still like that I am back at home and not working overseas. My new goal is to learn to spin yarn…I’ve fallen in love with fiber arts.

I would love for you to comment!